Leighton Township

Urgent Notice:

green lake sewer

General Information

Address: 4451 12th Street Suite A Wayland MI 49348
Phone: (616) 891-8238 ext 113
Email: Jacquelynn Bultsma Treasurer@leightontownship.org
Map: Green Lake Sewer

BILLS are due February 10, 2025.

Delinquent Sewer Bills:  September 2023  *Please note if your sewer bill was more than 6 months past due you current due amount as of September 20 has been rolled to your Leighton Township Winter Tax bill.

Buying or Selling Your Home which runs off the Green Lake Sewer Line: Please email Jaci at  Treasurer@leightontownship.org or call 891-8238 ext 113 to notify the Green lake sewer authority that you are moving or buying a home.  We will need your First & Last Name along with the address of the home.

B&B WasterWater is our consultant along with our engineer Williams and Works who help Green Lake Sewer Authorirty run a line of 650 customers and counting.

Green Laker Sewer Bills

Online Directions: Type in your address hit enter -> Double click your address hit enter -> Click on Utility Billing tab (right side of screen in pink says Amount due)

Billing Options:

  1. Postcard sent out Janaury, April, July, & October
  2. Email Billing (must provide Treasurer with email address)

Billing Due on:

  1. February 10 / ACH on February 8
  2. May 10 / ACH  on May 8
  3. August 10 / ACH on August 8
  4. November 10 / ACH on November 8

Payment Options:

  1. Mail in a check to the Leighton Township Office
  2. Drop a cash/check off in the drop box located at Leighton Township
  3. Set up a ACH withdrawl wih your banking info (Form Green Lake Sewer)
  4. Pay online with a Debit or Credit card payment online (3% billing fee added) use the website
  5. Set up a bill pay payment with your own bank.  You can set it up as a quarterly/ monthly payment.

Miscellaneous Forms:

Cancel a ACH payment** Green Lake Sewer Direct Withdrawal Removal Form


**March 6 at 4pm* The Annual Green Lake Sewer Meeting will happen at the Township Hall.  Special Meetings may be noticed 24 hours in advance.

Budget 2023-2024 approved March 15, 2023

Board Members

TItle Name Phone Email
Steve Wolbrink
(616) 891-8238 ext 110
Jacqielynn Bultsma
(616) 891-8238 ext 113
Rachel Fennema
(616) 891-8238 ext 112
Brian Bonnema
(616) 293-2106
John Hooker
(269) 792-2525
Richard Post
Tom Roels

Meeting Minutes